Myriad, Soulscape’s new family breakdown project will run from January to March 2016.

‘The latest UK data tells us that 450 of every 1,000 children will experience the break-up of their parents before their 16th birthday.’ Harry Benson, Communications Director, The Marriage Foundation. BBC Article 29th Dec 2012.

Family breakdown is tough. Even if it’s straightforward, it hurts. If things really don’t go well, there is often help available for young children in families struggling to relate. But if you are a teen, people expect you to manage. Our research tells us that young people urgently need space to explore the issues, share their thoughts and make sense of what has happened. They also need tools and resources to deal with the myriad of family situations that they find themselves in.

Soulscape are determined to give young people the space and resources they need, and we are delighted that community funding organisation Morearts have agreed to provide funding support for this project.

Myriad will take place in January, February and March at The Holt School, Wokingham, when young people will be able to explore the issues through creative workshops and spaces, forum theatre, music and visual arts. It will end with  a thought-provoking installation and resources around issues of family and home produced by and for young people.

We will release more information as the project progresses. Watch this space!