900 eleven year-olds taking the leap


Mind the Gap Phase 1 complete! This year we visited a whopping 15 prmary schools to run workshops with 900 Year 6 students all about the transition to secondary school. There were a lot of fun games, of course, but also a chance for students to ask any questions they had, think through scenarios and share what they were worried or excited about. Then, we took part in Year 7 Induction Week at the three big Wokingham secondary schools. It was great to see many of the same children again. Beforehand, we had trained up a team of friendly Year 10 students to lead our sessions all about team building and how to be kind to each [...]

Supporting your child as they start secondary school


For parents of Year 6 students, it's likely been a stressful time choosing, applying for and finally finding out which secondary school their children will be going to in September. Their young people will have been through some big emotions during this process and, as the summer approaches, are likely to be feeling some worries and anxieties about leaving their familiar primary school and friends and starting somewhere new and unknown. Many parents and carers would welcome a little help on how to support their children through this stage! The Soulscape team is very happy to help. Through Mind the Gap, we support thousands of Year 6 students through the transition every year, and for several years we've run very [...]