Young people and children really need information and reassurance from the adults around them at this time. You’ve probably already had some discussions about what’s going on – but with an ever-changing situation, it’s important to keep talking.
Keep in mind that young people are now spending even more time online and are are likely to come across all sorts of misleading, frightening or confusing information about the pandemic.
Youngminds has this advice: “It’s important to respond to their questions and concerns, so that anxieties don’t build up. You could start by asking them what they think is going on, if their friends are talking about it and what they are saying, and if they have any questions.”
Here are some good resources we’ve uncovered:
- Talking to your child about coronavirus – Youngminds
- How parents should tell kids – BBC News
- Covid-19: Helping young people manage low mood and depression – short online course from Reading University
- Looking after your mental health while self-isolating – Youngminds
- BBC Newsround is a good place for children and young people to get reliable, age-appropriate information about the pandemic.
- How to clean your phone! – BBC Newsround video